Category ArchiveRants
C++ &Rants 15 Jun 2021 10:25 pm
I registered on Freenode on 2009-03-21 at 17:25:41 UTC, to participate in the Apertium channel #apertium. I also joined the C++ channel ##C++.
On 2011-06-29 at 11:06:39 UTC, I created ##C++-general with the blessing of the ##C++ operators. This quickly grew to be the 2nd largest C++ channel on Freenode, and indeed on any network at the time.
On 2015-04-15 at 13:32:10 UTC, I was granted operator status for the main ##C++ – the largest C++ channel on any IRC network at the time.
On 2021-05-19 at 07:54 UTC, this happened: ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) Quit (Killed (grumble (My fellow staff so-called 'friends' are about to hand over account data to a non-staff member. If you care about your data, drop your NickServ account NOW before that happens.)))
Immediately thereafter, I contacted my fellow Apertium PMC members so that we could prepare in case Freenode was actually taken over by non-free interests.
A few hours later, Freenode was taken over and most of the staff resigned. I got on as soon as it opened up and registered #Apertium, #C++, #C++-general, and #geordi.
On 2021-05-24, I applied for a Community Registration for the C++ channels on However, the C++ channels’ policy was to maintain both networks and not get involved with the politics of the situation.
On 2021-05-27, Apertium officially moved from Freenode to OFTC.
On 2021-06-14 at 21:37:09 UTC, Freenode intentionally split the network in two, leaving an old Freenode with existing channels and nicks, and a new Freenode with no registered channels or nicks.
On 2021-06-15 at 07:42:07 UTC, I joined the new Freenode and kicked everyone from ##C++-general with a message to go to
At 08:05:53 UTC, I kicked root and f from ##C++-general.
I was k-lined from the new Freenode on 2021-06-15 at 08:06 UTC.
At 09:13 UTC, I joined the old Freenode and kicked everyone from ##C++ and ##C++-general with a message to go to instead.
At 19:17 UTC, the remaining oper on old Freenode removed me from ##C++-general.
At 19:38 UTC, the old Freenode was shut down.
Danish &Rants 15 Jun 2018 02:02 pm
Jeg støtter disse Borgerforslag:
- FT-00005: Afskaf uddannelsesloftet
- FT-00067: Statsborgerskab ved erklæringsafgivelse
- FT-00104: Afskaffelse af sommertid
- FT-00124: 18 års mindstealder for omskæring
- FT-00180: Automatisk tilmelding til organdonation
- FT-00188: Ligestilling for ioniserende stråling
- FT-00289: Legalisering af cannabis
- FT-00410: Automatisk organdonor
- FT-00535: Digital post til begge forældre
Rants 16 Jan 2015 07:17 pm
Abnegating Addiction
Some say “once an addict, always an addict“. When it comes to something as simple as caffeine addiction, that’s definitely not applicable.
Some years ago I became comfortable with the idea that I was most likely addicted to caffeine. When you drink up to a liter of Coca Cola every day, that’s not exactly a big leap to make. As it didn’t interfere with anything in daily life, I had no outward reason to care. However, what I do care about is personal control, and the idea that something was controlling me even to the slightest degree started nagging at the back of my mind.
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Rants 11 Jun 2014 09:38 pm
Concerning Concerts
On Tuesday 3rd, 2014, I finally concluded that I just don’t enjoy rock concerts or music festivals. They’re just not the kind of emotional experience that they apparently are for many others. I long suspected this, but since I’ve mostly been to concerts where I didn’t really care much about the music, I couldn’t really draw any conclusions.

This time, though, Raven and I went to the Metallica By Request mini-festival in Horsens, Denmark – and I really like a lot of Metallica’s music.
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Random &Rants 10 Jan 2014 05:25 pm
EU Copyright Review 2014
There is an ongoing Public Consultation on the review of the EU copyright rules questionnaire with deadline February 5th, 2014, and here are my answers. I did not answer all questions; some due to lack of opinion, some due to lack of standing, and some due to lack of knowledge about the domain.
Type of Respondent
- End user/consumer (e.g. internet user, reader, subscriber to music or audiovisual service, researcher, student)
- Author/Performer
- Intermediary/Distributor/Other service provider (e.g. online music or audiovisual service, games platform, social media, search engine, ICT industry)