2D &Design 10 Jun 2001 06:00:47

Ice Pentagrams

Programs used: Adobe Photoshop 6

Ice Pentagram 01 2D Ice Pentagram 02 2D

6 Responses to “Ice Pentagrams”

  1. on 13 Oct 2007 at 22:23:22 1.Logan S. said …

    Can I use the first one for my band logo?

  2. on 13 Oct 2007 at 22:28:29 2.Tino Didriksen said …

    Yes, you may use it.

  3. on 09 Mar 2010 at 09:06:14 3.Caitlin said …

    What does those symbols mean on the second one?

  4. on 09 Mar 2010 at 10:07:39 4.Tino Didriksen said …

    There is no deeper meaning behind those other than I thought they’d look good. It’s from some font pack that I have long forgotten the name of.

  5. on 27 Sep 2017 at 12:58:51 5.Garry said …

    Hi I love your logo I run a charity paranormal group in the uk.. please could I use your pentagram for my groups logo.. many thanks Garry from PAST

  6. on 27 Sep 2017 at 13:12:45 6.Tino Didriksen said …

    Unfortunately, you can’t use either, for the reason that others got there first. Can’t have multiple places using the same graphics, even if they are unrelated fields.