#C++-social @ Libera.chat stats by TinoDidriksen

Statistics generated on Saturday 18 May 2024 - 0:01:34
During this 365-day reporting period, a total of 195 different nicks were represented on #C++-social.

Most active times
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active nicks
 NickNumber of linesWhen?Number of WordsLast seenRandom quote
1 jotham78983584294242881859365today"cause they fucked me over a few times"
2 T`aZ331789879135299723816today"one single human cant know everythhing anymore"
3 Faux32311334121467234386today"Catch any Bisexual Lighting, LunarJetman?"
4 ERROH187212535139616268today"reposting twitter to irc is like when your grandpa screenshots yo"
5 Renderwww154647758747113486today"I'm not an enjoyer anymore"
6 Carbonflux93683853885724 days ago"they are the worst tourists as well."
7 dukwon85915152118270483 days ago"i saw a danish train at hamburg main station yesterday"
8 hinst8491693942828521today"Good day; I greet thee fellow Linux bug enjoyers"
9 Oxyd8147939931976415 days ago"You should get a T-shirt like that and wear it to work."
10 MaNI787253372162119133 days ago"I don't know why the USA is so broken but its not great"
11 LunarJetman700502126436560143 days ago"I am going to resume work on adding CSS support to neoGFX."
12 Svitkona6592342621531833today"living is the cause of all suffering"
13 lh_ideapad523933557564583 days ago"c++ is terrible for lack of memory safety."
14 Alipha521252362576794yesterday"i've never been concerned"
15 Crocodillian36158102147543561202 days ago"the bombings in gaza are a mistake, they should have just done a"
16 chris643161012001521643 days ago"To serif or not to serif that is the question"
17 Friithian27228971472210125 days ago"mine is bound to right alt as who uses right alt"
18 institor26482561543265 days ago"most people are pieces of shit"
19 Zogatribe25181162203651 days ago"such as the one you just asked?"
20 computerquip233219910929677 days ago"Dang... friend want me to play Valorant, had to install Riot Clie"
21 PissaNaBussa2171810690125615 days ago"Doctors nurse take me to a place where I can hide!"
22 militantorc2153315625141923 days ago"the hardware is the balloon"
23 cplusplus2141713162132924 days ago"sorry T`aZ . I am busy shitting what's left of you now. *grunts*"
24 lh_mouse1823714421683 days ago"I believe it's partially because it looks prettier than 7-zip."
25 aurly17410173137243 days ago"It doesn't help that most IRC clients suck"

These didn't make it to the top:
Eelis (172) ujjawalgupta (125) undeclared (119) life_bad (114) kn07_ (97)
dolololadidi (94) BengaGorda (91) xkoncek (89) davros1 (85) ashafq (76)
Bullit (71) raj (67) src (62) Solitaria (55) Caralhao (55)
Xardas (54) hnOsmium0001 (54) braxas (46) TheFlash (43) markuskj (43)
MonstroComedor (43) u0_a263 (40) mkoncek (38) WHATYEARISTHIS (35) vspcl (35)
iderik (35) BucetaFedida (31) PirocaNaBuceta (30) jbo (30) jokoon (29)

By the way, there were 140 other nicks.

Big numbers
Is ujjawalgupta stupid or just asking too many questions? 39.2% lines contained a question!
kn07_ didn't know that much either. 36.1% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was Svitkona, who yelled 55.2% of the time!
Another old yeller was chris64, who shouted 24.7% of the time!
It seems that BengaGorda's shift-key is hanging: 6.6% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE.
For example, like this:
     <BengaGorda> I AM THE WOOOONDER MAAAAN!!!

cplusplus just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 4.7% of the time.
Oxyd is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 20 times.
For example, like this:
     * Oxyd beats LunarJetman's clock.

T`aZ can't control his/her aggressions, either. He/She picked on others 6 times.
Poor LunarJetman's, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 13 times.
For example, like this:
     * Oxyd beats LunarJetman's clock.

Zogatribe's seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 4 times.
chris64 brings happiness to the world. 8.5% lines contained smiling faces. :)
PissaNaBussa isn't a sad person either, smiling 6.5% of the time.
life_bad seems to be sad at the moment: 17.5% lines contained sad faces. :(
ujjawalgupta is also a sad person, crying 4.8% of the time.
Eelis wrote the longest lines, averaging 90.5 letters per line.
#C++-social average was 48.3 letters per line.
Svitkona wrote the shortest lines, averaging 13.6 characters per line.
undeclared was tight-lipped, too, averaging 28.9 characters.
jotham spoke a total of 59365 words!
jotham's faithful follower, Faux, didn't speak so much: 34386 words.
Maliciously wrote an average of 51.75 words per line.
Channel average was 8.72 words per line.

Most used words
 Word Number of Uses Last Used by
1 about 528 jotham
2 people 440 MaNI
3 think 341 Faux
4 which 270 TheFlash
5 because 249 jotham
6 there 244 lh_ideapad
7 would 165 T`aZ
8 their 158 MaNI
9 still 154 jotham
10 thing 131 jotham

Most referenced nicks
 Nick Number of Uses Last Used by
1 T`aZ 43 Faux
2 Faux 33 militantorc
3 hinst 25 iderik
4 src 15 life_bad
5 ERROH 10 Faux

Most referenced URLs
 URL Number of Uses Last Used by
1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emoji 6 Zogatribe
2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqogvH-x4k4 3 LunarJetman
3 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemmy 2 Oxyd
4 https://quad.pe/e/VCyS1OQjZS.jpg 2 jotham
5 https://gcc-mcf.lhmouse.com/ 2 lh_mouse
6 https://i.redd.it/n1nyj05clkda1.png 2 ERROH
7 https://github.com/i42output/neounit/blob/main/unit_tests/sr 2 LunarJetman
8 https://quad.pe/e/eh4qaNduO9.jpg 2 jotham
9 https://github.com/microsoft/MS-DOS 2 Oxyd
10 https://i.imgur.com/ju8GBz6.png 2 LunarJetman
11 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUC2EQvdzmY 2 LunarJetman
12 https://youtu.be/56YAjz2TxoA 2 jotham
13 https://quad.pe/e/WTV0ALyUJq.jpg 2 jotham
14 https://quad.pe/e/c0ew27AFog.png 2 jotham
15 https://www.vesselfinder.com/?imo=9376696 2 T`aZ

Other interesting numbers
Nice opers here, no one got kicked!
Strange, no op was given on #C++-social!
Wow, no op was taken on #C++-social!
jotham always lets us know what he/she's doing: 39 actions!
For example, like this:
     * jotham runs around slapping his arse

Also, Oxyd tells us what's up with 37 actions.
jotham talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 345 times!
Another lonely one was T`aZ, who managed to hit 32 times.
PirocaNaBuceta has quite a potty mouth. 1.4% words were foul language.
ponycat also makes sailors blush, 1.2% of the time.

Latest Topics
Our equipment was breaking down, little things, the dildos in our lamps. Boots we wore disintegrating from the caustic brine, feet left frigid and raw. Our tents were sad and wet, pitched in the middling girth of The Tunnel. We were stuck with that relentless indifferent process- entropy, everything we had, even our steel tools were now blooming with Rust. Whispering to us about Rust. 40 days ago at 09:07 by MaNI
Our equipment was breaking down, little things, the diodes in our lamps. Boots we wore disintegrating from the caustic brine, feet left frigid and raw. Our tents were sad and wet, pitched in the middling girth of The Tunnel. We were stuck with that relentless indifferent process- entropy, everything we had, even our steel tools were now blooming with Rust. Whispering to us about Rust. 43 days ago at 09:48 by jotham
The equipment was faulting, little things, the diodes in our lamps were failing. Boots we wore disintegrating from the caustic brine, feet left frigid and raw. Our tents were sad and wet, pitched in the middling girth of the tunnel. We were stuck with the relentless spirit of entropy, everything we had made, even our stainless cookware was blooming with Rust. 43 days ago at 09:40 by jotham
The topic was set 34 times.
Total number of lines: 55131.

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pisg by Morten Brix Pedersen and others
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