#OpenTTD @ OFTC stats by TinoDidriksen

Statistics generated on Thursday 21 November 2024 - 0:01:51
During this 5488-day reporting period, a total of 6884 different nicks were represented on #OpenTTD.

Most active times
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active nicks
 NickNumber of linesWhen?Number of WordsLast seenRandom quote
1 andythenorth3549187235510986817104822630544 days ago"shall we invent train companies?"
2 TrueBrain1671233174056618768181584556today"and we do expire our own API tokens too"
3 Eddi|zuHause114608113121345142683471621218994148 days ago"that pretty much sums it up"
4 planetmaker110380262564400637577935653410 days ago"what part of it is actually still in demand?"
5 frosch1239812144842694265499903562201 days ago"half of my achievements i received for silly / invalid reasons"
6 peter1138895292695246913410628037634428today"Still, Rust would protect against that."
7 Samu85385620968783694635352619467633 days ago"the darned autoreplace feature is a headache for ais"
8 Alberth714951543028609273205975771946 days ago"your local copy has no german docs?"
9 DorpsGek59454346894152025526316896609today"[OpenTTD/OpenTTD] PeterN opened pull request #13097: Change: D..."
10 lordaro50612111101853420329338666today"that does feel like a long if condition"
11 V453000476331327416980167363469211248 days ago"yes, which is incorrrect, as 18 is wrong"
12 Wolf01399659216138631590934080324 days ago"<andythenorth> 32MB <- mine had 4MB :O"
13 Rubidium36252225850571122217715417536today"johnfranklin: I'd say "vegan turkey stuffing" is stranger ;)"
14 glx280393290960415066219164160 days ago"You can also chain local trains"
15 nielsm221403106856410369260389544 days ago"hm what is the loan interest % in, isn't that per year?"
16 supermop2157733533520585488502040442129 days ago"i wonder if i should be building this mainline as electric in 51"
17 FLHerne199109182028748794772038904 days ago"this is why Python is a bad language"
18 xarick19127283981207977139044today"and this change is goin to affect everywhere kdtree is used 😦"
19 Terkhen181234803497580341469282329 days ago"hello"
20 Pikka1653210266086609633241160371634 days ago"wait, ships don't need lots of buoys any more? :)"
21 Flygon16509513747946198128340166 days ago"I can't visualise in my head how destructive it's going to be."
22 Supercheese158883913558862631111932006 days ago"Oh hey looks like Factorio is catching up with BaNaNaS"
23 petern15226382659505134128150518 days ago"Better than doing it blind, yes."
24 Yexo1414413951125484167831562811625 days ago"Needs more trust, but less approval stamping for trivial updates"
25 Zuu1397513171072284687402162961218 days ago"But yeha. Lots of other new features :-)"

These didn't make it to the top:
drac_boy (13027) _dp_ (12762) Ammler (12021) NGC3982 (11947) chillcore (11919)
dihedral (11169) _glx_ (10162) argoneus (9453) Belugas (9113) DorpsGek_II (8634)
DorpsGek_III (8434) __ln__ (8321) andythenorth_ (8285) SmatZ (7871) peter1138[d] (7666)
TallTyler (7421) krinn (7108) michi_cc (6116) supermop_home (5962) dP (5408)
andythenorth[d] (5397) Elukka (5387) PeterT (5383) peter1139 (5319) supermop_ (5274)
norbert79 (5129) glx[d] (4851) SpComb (4742) frosch (4651) xiong (4503)

By the way, there were 6829 other nicks.

Big numbers
Is rau117 stupid or just asking too many questions? 33.7% lines contained a question!
_Johannes didn't know that much either. 33.5% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was SamanthaD, who yelled 17.2% of the time!
Another old yeller was _zephyris, who shouted 13.5% of the time!
It seems that dih's shift-key is hanging: 4.2% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE.
For example, like this:
     <dih> :-D

dihedral just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 3.6% of the time.
DanMacK is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 16 times.
For example, like this:
     * DanMacK slaps andythenorth around a bit with a large fishbot

SmatZ can't control his/her aggressions, either. He/She picked on others 10 times.
Poor andythenorth, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 27 times.
For example, like this:
     * V453000 slaps andythenorth

planetmaker seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 10 times.
^Spike^ brings happiness to the world. 48.4% lines contained smiling faces. :)
Chaot_s isn't a sad person either, smiling 32.5% of the time.
lorran78 seems to be sad at the moment: 7.6% lines contained sad faces. :(
VVG is also a sad person, crying 7.0% of the time.
DorpsGek_II wrote the longest lines, averaging 129.8 letters per line.
#OpenTTD average was 50.9 letters per line.
Eoin wrote the shortest lines, averaging 21.2 characters per line.
DanMacK was tight-lipped, too, averaging 25.3 characters.
andythenorth spoke a total of 2263054 words!
andythenorth's faithful follower, TrueBrain, didn't speak so much: 1584556 words.
jfinance wrote an average of 66.00 words per line.
Channel average was 8.84 words per line.

Most used words
 Word Number of Uses Last Used by
1 would 53951 _glx_
2 [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 47012 DorpsGek
3 request 46176 DorpsGek
4 should 41603 _glx_
5 about 41234 peter1138
6 think 38781 xarick
7 which 34889 peter1138
8 could 29385 peter1138
9 commented 22148 DorpsGek
10 something 21152 lordaro

Most referenced nicks
 Nick Number of Uses Last Used by
1 the 671866 peter1138
2 i 448097 peter1138
3 a 396604 peter1138
4 JusT 90462 xarick
5 CAN 86374 peter1138

Most referenced URLs
 URL Number of Uses Last Used by
1 https://git.io/fhbqc 179 DorpsGek_III
2 http://irclogs.qmsk.net/channels/openttd 146 DorpsGek
3 https://git.io/fhamZ 105 DorpsGek_III
4 https://webster.openttdcoop.org/index.php?channel=openttd 99 Samu
5 http://www.openttd.org 95 peter1138
6 https://git.io/fjii3 86 DorpsGek_III
7 https://git.io/vhlfg 73 DorpsGek_II
8 https://git.io/JL5Hh 69 DorpsGek
9 https://git.io/JGlmd 66 DorpsGek
10 https://github.com/OpenTTD/OpenTTD/pull/10700 64 DorpsGek
11 http://www.openttd.org/en/servers 59 frosch123
12 https://github.com/OpenTTD/OpenTTD/pull/10548 53 DorpsGek
13 https://github.com/OpenTTD/OpenTTD/pull/10543 51 DorpsGek
14 https://git.io/fhSz0 48 DorpsGek_II
15 https://git.io/JOk7C 48 DorpsGek

Other interesting numbers
andythenorth wasn't very popular, getting kicked 14 times!
For example, like this:
     *** andythenorth was kicked by DorpsGek

Xaroth seemed to be hated too: 12 kicks were received.
DorpsGek is either insane or just a fair op, kicking a total of 235 people!
DorpsGek's faithful follower, peter1138, kicked about 14 people.
Strange, no op was given on #OpenTTD!
Wow, no op was taken on #OpenTTD!
andythenorth always lets us know what he/she's doing: 18990 actions!
For example, like this:
     * andythenorth full convert to serverless these days

Also, planetmaker tells us what's up with 1128 actions.
andythenorth talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 6150 times!
Another lonely one was TrueBrain, who managed to hit 3683 times.
TACOS has quite a potty mouth. 1.8% words were foul language.
zvxb also makes sailors blush, 1.8% of the time.

Latest Topics
14.1 | Website: *.openttd.org (source: github, translator: translator, server list: servers, wiki: wiki) | Don't ask to ask, just ask | 'Latest' is not a valid version, 'Most recent' neither | English only 201 days ago at 21:41 by DorpsGek
14.0 | Website: *.openttd.org (source: github, translator: translator, server list: servers, wiki: wiki) | Don't ask to ask, just ask | 'Latest' is not a valid version, 'Most recent' neither | English only 216 days ago at 08:17 by orudge
13.4, 14.0-RC3 | Website: *.openttd.org (source: github, translator: translator, server list: servers, wiki: wiki) | Don't ask to ask, just ask | 'Latest' is not a valid version, 'Most recent' neither | English only 242 days ago at 15:14 by DorpsGek
The topic was set 195 times.
Total number of lines: 3050450.